Host your free domain on blogger

After getting free  domain from Mercantile Pvt Ltd, to get your website on internet you need to host that domain somewhere on internet.

So you got a domain now , what's next ?
You need a hosting. And there are a lot of hosting service providers both paid and free. Free hosting providers comes with limited features but that's enough for a beginner to learn and practice website building.
You can also go for paid hostings if you're really serious about your website and have plan to upload a lot of contents and get some extra features too. I have also written a guide to chose both free and paid hostings.
For list of  best and free hosting providers  click here.
For list of best paid hosting providers click here.
If you don't understand what's domain, hosting etc, you should refer this article.

So now let's move toward our actual Tutorial to host domain to blogger.

I have divided the tutorial in 3 major steps as follow:
Step 1: Creating an account at blogger.

>>> Visit and login with your Google account. Create a blog with any name because later on we'll be changing it with our own domain. If you already have blogger account you can skip this step. Now open a new tab and follow the steps below:

Step 2: Changing DNS(Using Hurricane Electronics)
>>> DNS stands for domain name server. It's the same thing you entered in primary and secondary name servers while applying for a domain at Mercantile Pvt Ltd. If you have followed my tutorial to apply for free I had told you to put and in primary and secondary name servers. If you have entered those , you don't need to change.
>>> If you have entered something else in primary and secondary name servers, change it to and
>>> To change it, go to and login. Go to Dashboard and under active domain , click on change DNS. Change it to the above mentioned DNS. It may take up to 24 hours or more to change.

Step 3: Mapping the DNS
>>> After changing DNS from your domain provider you need to map it with blogger.
For this we need to create an account at Hurricane Electronics which is going to provide us DNS mapping service at free. This website provides us up to 50 DNS  mappings free of cost.
>>> Now open blogger dashboard, go to Setting, under Publishing,
On Custom domain enter your registered domain. ( The domain registered in Mercantile Pvt Ltd)
Remember to begin your Domain Name with www. to
(Ex;- not only

This kind of box will appear. In place of blurred part  you will get the unique code for that particular domain name. This ain't same for all so do not try to copy and paste from anywhere.
It  won't save now, so do not close the page and now open in a new tab.
✓✓Create User and Click on add new domain.
✓✓Add new CNames, you'll need to add two CNames, in place of name add www and in place of destination add
And for the second cname add that unique code generated from Blogger. Just copy paste  the name and destination one by one.

✓✓Now you'll need to add 4 A names. In this block leave the name box empty and add the destination one by one the following IPs:


Now go to open tab of blogger and click on save. If it doesn't save, don't worry, It might take 15 minutes to 1 hour to to map the domain. Try saving after waiting 15 minutes. Check you domain by entering it's url on browser, it should redirect you to your blogger site.

Now enjoy your website
Happy Blogging..

IF you have any problem don't hesitate to ask me and if you have any new idea feel free to notify me too. Thank you !!

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