Do you know, you can get domain for free for the lifetime without paying a single penny.
Anyone having a valid nepali identity or a nepali resident visa can get a domain for free.Mercamtiles Nepal Pvt. Ltd provides the domain for free. So today I am going to guide you to get your personal domain for free.
Let me tell you one more thing, You can only use your legal name as your preferred domain name. For example if my name is Shrawan Kumar Thakur, I can get if it's not taken by someday else.You can also use abbreviation for your name but at least there must be three letters. In my case I can get
You can use any combination of your name witout altering the spellings.For more details on domain names allowed for personal use click here.
Before getting started you need to have these things:
1. Scan copy of Cover letter(Sample is given below)
2. Scan copy of Citizenship/Driving license/Visa
Note: Both must be compressed in size of less than 200 KB. I prefer using lit photo (link) app on Android for compressing pics because it's the most lightweight app I have ever used for photo compression.(PS: I am not advertising it, it's my preference, that's it)
-------- Sample of Cover letter---------
Date: 24 July, 2020
Sub: Domain Registration
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I would like to register domain name for my personal use. I have already submitted the .np domain registration online form from your official website. Furthermore, I have written this email and I have attached the photocopy of my citizenship (both sides) within this application.
I will be glad if you registered my domain name as soon as possible. And finally, thank you for considering my application.
Domain name:
Your Sincerely
Your name here
Place your signature here under your name.
Replace the domain with your own desired domain name.
Now let's get started. I have divided the tutorial in 4 major steps as follow:
Step 1: Checking Domain availability.
>>> Go to
>>> Search your desired personal domain name.If it's available you'll see a message like this:
>>> If it's available click on Register Now button.
Step 2: Creating Account
>>> To get the domain you need to create an account. Enter your email address and create a password.
>> Click on Create User.
>>> Confirm your email verification.
Step 3: Filling up details.
>>> Enter name servers. If you have already purchased a hosting to host this domain you can provide name servers of that hosting or simply put any name server. It can be changed later so don't worry. If you don't have any idea, for now just put the name servers of Hurricane Electronics i.e in primary name server and in Secondary name server.
>>> Now fill the remaining personal details.
>>> Tick on copy administrative contact.
>>> Save and Continue.
Step 4: Submitting Documents
>> Select the document title and upload the compressed documents one by one.
>> Click on Register now button.
Now wait for 1 or 2 business days and check if your requested domain has been allocated to you or not . To do this, click on dashboard and check the status. If its approved it will show like this in Active domain category.
If not approved it will show along with the reason why it wasnt approved.
---------- Thank You !!!!-------
If you get any problem doing this you can either mail me at or simply commemt below. Ill surely reply within 24 hours.