If you are new to blogging or website building, you might have heard of WordPress. But do you know that WordPress is the name if two different things. There are two versions of WordPress, WordPress.com and WordPress.org So without wasting much time let's get to our main topic WordPress.com vs WordPress.org
Though CMS and website builder are different, it can used interchangeably sometimes. To find actual difference between CMS and website builder, you can simply Google the term "CMS vs Website builder"
When someone says "Around 33 percent of website is powered by WordPress" they mean to say 33 percent of all the websites use WordPress CMS/ website builder. They don't mean to say that 33 percent of websites are hosted on paid or free plans of WordPress.com. If you see web hosting companies by market share then GoDaddy is at top with 16.9% and Google cloud web servicing at second with 9.7%
(Data source:Datanyze)
So how this 33 percent is calculated ?
To build a website you need a domain name, hosting and website building knowledge- HTML/CSS/JavaScript/PHP etc or you can use a website builder. And for each of the things mentioned above there are a lot of specialized companies, for example: GoDaddy for domain, bluehost for hosting and WordPress for website building. Now if you purchase domain from GoDaddy, host it on bluehost and install WordPress CMS to design your website, it is counted as WordPress website. So 33 percent of website is powered by WordPress, it means 33 percent of total websites uses WordPress CMS to build and design their website.
And somewhere you'll see written "60 percent of market share of WordPress" it means among the number of CMS users 60 percent users use WordPress. There are others CMS too like Joomla(5.2%) and Drupal (3.4%).
(Data source: isitwp)
So what's other differences ?
>> WordPress.com is a commercial hosting sites which sells domain and hosting and also provides free blogging platform with WordPress subdomain. WordPress CMS comes preinstalled with limited features in each plan.
>> WordPress.org is a website that provides WordPress CMS software to download for free and install it anywhere either on your web hosting or in your local machine. It gives you full potential of WordPress software to customize your website.
>> If you host your website on WordPress.com you'll get limited control of WordPress but you'll get support and security from WordPress.com team.
>> If you host your website on any other hosting using WordPress CMS, you'll need to manage everything by yourself or your web hosting company may provide support and security.
In conclusion we came to know that WordPress.com is package of WordPress software and hosting plan, whereas WordPress.org is a website that allows us to download and install WordPress CMS anywhere we want.
Chosing between WordPress.com and WordPress.org is, chosing the all in one package of WordPress.com or chosing any other hosting to install WordPress manually on it. In the latter option you'll need to buy domain, hosting, WordPress plugins etc all on your own.
Sometimes chosing the second option is cheaper. But it all depends on your needs and skills.
I have tried to target beginners who gets confused between WordPress.com and WordPress.org and it's services. I have clearly mentioned such things which are rarely found anywhere else. You might find even better difference between them but the info I have mentioned, you'll rarely find anywhere else.